Despite the tribal fights in Lagaip District in Enga Province, the government services have been operating to serve the rural population. The Pilikambi Secondary School...
The Lyumbain Socio-economic Community Development Foundation Inc. in Lagaip District in Enga Province has determined to export fresh fruits and vegetables to supermarkets in Australia...
Petitioner in the Kundiawa Gembogl Election Petition Case William Gogl Onglo has called on his supporters back in the district of Simbu Province to remain...
Police commissioner, David Manning, has reaffirmed his support for the security personnel working to restore order in the Porgera valley in Enga Province. Commissioner Manning...
The second Pilkambi Traditional Salt Festival in Lagaip District in Enga Province is set to commence towards the end of this year. Chairman Tony Sulupin...
By Edward Luke The European Union Ambassador to Papua New Guinea His Excellency Jacques Fradin, United Nations Development Programs (UNDP) and Climate Change Development Authority...
The Government has rolled out an ambitious School Nutrition Program (SNP) to improve the lives of young students. According to United Nations International Children’s Emergency...