
PNG’s First Mental Disorders Beok Launched

A first ever book has been written onthe Management of Mental Disorders in Papua New Guinea


The book was launched by Governor General Grand Chief Sir Michael Ogio in Port Moresby.

The book gives a clear directive on how mental illness should be addressed by care givers.


A small but significant ceremony was held atthe Holiday in on Friday to mark a milestone inthe field of Mental Health Care.



Givingthe welcome remarks, Secretary ofthPNG Psychiatric Association Monica Hagali said a National Mental Health policy is being formulated, which will be implemented through a directorate.


The Management of Mental Disorders in Papua New GuineaBeok isthe first ever book written by Papua New Guineas for Papua New Guineas.


Dr Ambi giving an overview ofthe book said it was user friendy.


“There’s no standard to what you should do, every person is different. The book differs from person to person,” said Dr Ambi.

The book was blessed by Archbishop John Ribat.


“It will really give direction and also continue to guide our health workers to be effective intheir delivery of service to those who mentally needed great help,” said Archbishop Ribat.


“It isthe state of mind that influences how a person behaves. Something regrettably, many of us failed to understand,” said GG Ogio.

Mental Health is as important as physical health. Onthe overall, wellbeing of individual societies and countries,” he said.


TheWorld Health Organisation estimates 450 million people suffer from mental disorders.



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