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More than 30 representatives from impact health project provinces attended a two-day training to learn about the Provincial Health Authority (PHA) Dashboard performance monitoring tool to be used by Provincial Health Authorities (PHAs) to monitor performance of the PHA right down to the most rural health facility.

Working with the project provinces, the Project aims to strengthen Primary Health Care including in rural and remote communities and provide tools and financing to these PHAs to strengthen service delivery and capacity of these PHAs.

According to the statement funding is a huge challenge for PHAs to implement projects. Having access to information to be able to make informed decisions is also critical to improve health service delivery.

The Department’s IMPACT Health Project with funding from the World Bank, aims to address bottlenecks of health financing in the project provinces as well as address challenges in Governance and on Health Systems.

The participants includes Central, East Sepik, Simbu and East New Britian and the National Department of Health.

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