Contractors stating to have been engaged in work for the Morobe Provincial Administration are demanding payments for their outstanding claims dating back to 2013.
Spokesperson, Likoi Koapo, says the workers want their dues paid before the General elections begin.
Koapo says they need to pay over 500 unhappy workers.
At midday today, the group of contractors fronted up at the Morobe provincial administration demanding their outstanding payments.
The workers want the current government to pay up before the elections, and with the possibility of a new government taking over.
They say, last year K4 million was approved by the Morobe Provincial administration after they staged a protest at the Tutumang Haus.
However, they claimed that they have not been paid.
The workers are from both the Provincial administration and the Lae City Council.
In response to the Lae City Council contractors, City Manager, Roy Kamen, says the contractors are divided into three different divisions.
But, their claims are in the process of being paid out starting next week.
Those with genuine claims, with proper documentation, can claim their outstanding payments for as far as 2013.