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By Parker Tambua

The Internal Revenue Commission has generated a significant K65 billion in revenue collection under the leadership of Sam Koim as the Commissioner General since 2020.

Given the proven record, Mr. Koim is confident that the best is yet to come and that they can deliver beyond expectations in 2025.

Koim said this during the commission of the 65th anniversary celebration on Friday.

He emphasized the Government’s increase in funding from K62 million in 2024 to K100 million in the 2025 budget gives a further boost to their operation. 

Koim said increase in funding comes with the expectation that they must meet the target of K19.4 billion in revenue collection in the coming year.

He said IRC have surpassed the 2024 target of K17 billion, which was 28% increase from 2023.

He said another 14% increase in target for 2025 poses another challenge. However, Koim said when he took over the office in 2020; the commission has made significant progress and had met their targets.

He said IRC had made a massive K65 billion in revenue collection under his management in the last 4 years. Koim said with such proven record, he is confident they can go beyond the set target in 2025.

“We are confident of meeting the set target for 2025. When I took over as the Commissioner General our annual collection was at K8.2 billion but we have grown that to K17.3 billion in 2024, we’ve more than doubled it,” Koim said.

“Now that they’ve increased next year’s target to K19.4 billion, well we might end up with more than K20 billion.

“We thank the Government for funding our systems. We thank them for giving us an additional K38 million in the next year’s budget.

“The last 3 years has been declared as the year of productivity. There’s so much that the Government is giving to the public service but the productivity is not the same. For IRC, we are putting in effort to see productivity in everyone.

“We’ve adopted a new system that will tie productivity, attendance to something. We want to move in to corporatization, there’s some changes that we’ve done that has improved the terms and conditions of our staffs as well and we thank the Government for their support. “The future is bright because the Government has invested in us, and we (IRC) have invested our efforts in our systems, our people and our processes so whatever challenge that comes, we will deliver over

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