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Commissioner of Police, David Manning has met with Police Commanders, along with the local leaders and administrators in Enga Province, to review the current security response following the tribal fighting during the weekend that saw over 50 reported deaths.

“The situation on the ground has returned to relative normalcy with no renewed fighting, however we are not dropping our guard,” Commissioner Manning said.

The Commissioner had also appointed the PNG Defense Force members deployed to Enga, Hela and Southern Highlands Provinces as Special Constables. This he elaborated gives soldiers the power and protection they need to do their jobs, including the authority to make arrests when required to, and discharge their weapons to save innocent lives and people’s property. 

“Any further attempt to cause trouble will be dealt with harshly, and any tribesman who raises a weapon will more than likely be shot by security forces”, Commissioner Manning said.  

 “Preventing further tension is a challenge when you consider the generations of fighting that have gone on between these two tribes, but we are having success”, Manning said.

Manning also revealed that the bodies recovered by police were not innocent bystanders but were hired guns who kill for money.

The commissioner reiterated that the Police Minister has been clear that the country ought to push forward the Domestic Terrorism Act.

“The legislation will criminalize acts of Domestic Terrorism, the financing and incitement of domestic terrorists and provide police with enhanced surveillance.” Manning said.  

He said the Act will also provide for the establishment of Special Policing Zone to cover Enga, Hela and Southern Highlands Provinces.

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