
Victims of Rabaul Queen Disaster remembered

The survivors andthe relatives of those who dlied inthe Rabaul Queen Disaster gthered overthe weekend in Lae in an emotional service markingthe first anniversary of Papua New Guinearsquo;s worst maritime disaster.

Whilethere were messages of hope,there is also mounting anger overthe government’s apparent reluctance to act onthe recommendations ofthe Commission ofInquiry report.

Relatives are also asking whythe owner of Rabaul Shipping, Peter Sharp, has not been arrested.

Also in Madang,the Divine Word University held a memorial service for the victims ofthe Rabaul Queen disaster.

The school lost four of its students’ two males and two females.

Vice President Academic Be Andrew Simpson said nine ther students’survivedthe disaster, and despitethe tragedy,they will all be attending school this year.

The memorial took place atthe memorial park onthe main campus.

Reporting: Scott Waide

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