Business News

New Mobile Catering Tool, Mealz on Wheelz Launched

By Leanne Jorari – EMTV News, Port Moresby

The National Development Bank Investments, under its Stret Pasin Incubator, today launched the anticipated mobile catering tool, Mealz on Wheelz.

The recent launch of the SME Policy outlined the governments intentions to grow the SME sector over a 15 year period, in the hopes to increase the size of the sector from 50,000 to 500,000, creating 2 million new jobs, reducing unemployment from 84% today to 49% and contributing 50% of GDP.

The policy also identified several impediments faced by the SME Sector, including lack of financial inclusion access to finance, lack of access to business or commercial land and inadequate access to market and market information.

To address these issues, NDB Investments is developing a range of affordable solutions to give micro and small businesses access to their markets. Of these products, the Mealz on Wheelz mobile food carts was launched today.

NDB have estimated that if a customer were to operate the cart full-time, they can make sales of between K300 and K1,000 a day, making between K6,000 to K20,000 a month.

Interested customers either have the option to purchase outright or take out a loan from NDB or the People MicroBank.

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