The Teaching Service Commission was saddened after reading the news of two teachers Miss Rondy Tom and Miss Sonia Smith, both are teaching in Banz Secondary School in North Waghi District of Jiwaka Province, who lost their important teaching certificates in a house fire which was published on May 30th 2023 by one of PNG’s dailies.
The teachers were residing outside of the school premises in accommodation rented by the school when the incident happened while they were teaching in class.
On behalf of the Teaching Service Commission, Chairman Samson Wangihomie sympathizes with the teachers.
“I can imagine the inconveniences this may cause in the future event that requires you to present your original certificates,” Wangihomie said.
Mr Wangihomie also encourages teachers to have backup copies digitally of their qualifications on standby when unexpected incidences arise.
“The amazing thing is that these teachers will still go to class and teach children faithfully even with this misfortune,” he said.
Teaching Service Commission, as the mandated employing agency of teachers in public schools in the country, calls on the responsible authorities under the Ministry of Education to assist these two teachers in reprinting or recoup equivalents of their education certificates as this might cause inconvenience in future.