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Picture of students at the salvation Army Boroko Primary school in Port Moresby.

By Esther Gahane

Colgate Palmolive Ltd has celebrated its 13th year of Colgate National Tooth Brushing day yesterday with participation over thousands from schools and community groups .

This initiative was an ongoing commitment to promote oral health across Papua New Guinea.

Colgate Palmolive PNG Ltd had spread the importance of brushing teeth for two minutes, twice a day to maintain a healthy and confident smile.

Yesterday at the salvation Army Boroko Primary school in Port Moresby, students had the two minutes tooth brushing activity.

The General manager for Colgate Palmolive John Wood said that this was their commitment to promote oral health in PNG.

“It is recommended to change your tooth brush every three months and after recovering from illness to ensure effective cleaning.” he said.

Miss Bird of Paradise Tyla Singirok has encouraged students to look after their teeth while they are small.

“If your health is not where it suppose to be it will affect your future. Your health is your wealth and your oral health is important.” she said.

With less number of health workers, Deputy Health secretary Ken Wai encouraged individuals to take ownership of their health.

Ken Wai said that 350 dentist for more than 12 million people does not match, so look after your oral health.

Dentist coordinator  Naomi Asing thanked Colgate Pamolive  for this initiative to allow students start understanding the importance of looking after teeth at the early age for future benefits.

“Thankful for colgate, they are supportive of the oral health services, colgate productive is okay as it depend on the needs and it has fluoride.” she said.

National tooth brushing day is part of the many initiatives under Colgate’s global school health education program, bright smiles, bright futures, which has positively impacted over three million PNG children since 2010.

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