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Women Should Put Their Differences Aside and Unite

Papua New Guinea is among six countries in the world where there are no women represented in the National Parliament.

In recent times, the issue of no women in the tenth national parliament have captured the international audience with questions whether this is a success or failure.

While organisations like the United Nation’s Development Program have voiced their concerns on this issue, Fr Victor said for this to become a reality, women must change their attitude and show leadership.

This is the leadership that will put trust on their people to vote for them, and which will change the perception of men being the supreme head of the family.

Fr Victor said the Bougainville House of Representatives has opened the pathway for women’s reserve seats, taking into consideration also that it is implementing the Temporary Special Measures, that promotes women into politics.

The Prime Minister’s proposal in reviving the women’s reserve seats was acknowledged by the Catholic Bishops Conference.

All members of parliament have been called on to vote for this proposal because the Catholic Church believes that men lead with the head and women lead with the heart and both are needed.

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