The Moresby North East MP Labi Amaiu, members ofthe Joint District and Priority Budget Committee andthe office of Rural Development highlightedthe first two million kina worth of DSIP projects.
The National government allocated ten million kina to each ofthe eighty nine districts.
Mr. Amaiu has identiflied ten projects.
Mr. Amaiu presentedthe project proposals tothe Office of Rural Development and urged members ofthe JDPBe to abide by it.
The Moresby North East five year plan will be implemented from years 2012 to 2017.
The projects includethe improverment ofthe Beushwara road, Morobe block, Simbu block, ATS water projects, 8-mile bridge, staff houses atthe Gordons Secondary school amongst thers.
Mr. Amaiu isthe first member inthe nation’s capital to present his five year project proposals.
Senior Research Officer of ORD Southern Region Solomon Hakava toldthe MP and members ofthe Moresby North East JDPBe thatthe funds are not for the member’s voters but for allthe residing inthe electorate.
He also said for the member to submit acquittals for the first two million kina DSIP funds spent last year.
Mr. Amaiu assured ORD thatthe acquittals will be finalized and presented to ORD this week.
He saidthe projects will surely benefit all inthe electorate.
Bernadette Efi, National EMTV News