Health Minister Michael Malabagsaid all district health issues should be taken up with respective Provincial Health Divisions.
This came after Kiriwina Goodenough MP, DouglasTomuriesa, raised questions relating tothe lack of sufficient medical stock and poor working conditions for health workers.
Takingthe floor, MP Tomuriesa was quick with his question; one that is common in all district stations acrossthe country and that isthe inadequate supply of medical drugs.
He said it has come to attention that most patients in his maritime electorate are sent back from aid posts without medicine. Nearly all are asked to source out medicine from private drug stores, which is an expensive exercise for an average villager.
He also raised concerns surrounding accommodation issues faced by health workers. While commending Minister Malabag in taking a bold step to address housing issues for health workers atthe national level, Tomuriesa said more focus should be given tothe districts.
And onthe housing issue he assuredthe member he will try to assist atthe national level, butthe responsibility must first be taken up bythe provincial government utilisingthe funds allocated inthe 2013 budget.
Minister Malabagsaidthe O’Neill government has pumped in 1.4 billion kina in District and Provincial Support Improverment Program. This initiative is to help clear bottlenecks that will hinder proper public service delivery.