News Southern

Professor Kola Farewelled


By Stanley Ove Jr – EMTV News, Port Moresby

The Late Professor John Kola was farewelled today in Port Moresby.

Described as a humble and a man of high standards, Professor Kola was on the country’s top intellects who contributed highly in educating many young Papua New Guineans.

He was born in the Sine-Sine District of Chimbu Province on the 14th of March 1958, where he was raised under Christian beliefs as his father was a pioneer Catholic Catechist.

Before his death, Professor Kola was a senior lecturer at the University Of Papua New Guinea before being appointed the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Goroka.

He also served various Government Departments including the Department of Agriculture and Livestock where he was once the Department’s Secretary.

His biggest achievement was being the first Papua New Guinean to obtain a PhD in Chemistry; he was 25 years old that time, making him one of the youngest Papua New Guineans to achieve that.

His eldest son, Leo Kola, said despite all of his achievements in his professional life, he was a dedicated father and grandfather.

His body will be flown tomorrow to Goroka before and later laid to rest in his home village in Chimbu Province.

Professor Kola is survived by his wife, 6 children and 15 grandchildren.

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