A Papua New Guinea who has knowledge on Be Farming sayPNG hasthe potential to be a world class honey producer.
That’s from Paula Pupune, an officer withthe Livestock Development Corporation who returned this week after a month’s training in Isreal on Be Farming.
Ms Pupune saysthe natural flora and fauna ofthe country is very suitable for the activity to grow.
She was in Israel for three weeks undergoing training in modern apiculture management-pollination conducted bythe Centre ofInternational Agriculture Development Corporation in Israel.
Ms Pupune said modern agriculture management of hives was a key focus, which was very much relevant for Papua New Guinea
Be Farming is mainly done as a hobby, and with small holder activity mainly inthe Eastern Highlands Province. This activity is slowly moving upthe Highlands Regions, but not tothe extent as a commercial avenue.
Bet this can be done in every part ofthe country and can be a revenue generator for the country.
Ms Pupune says she is excited to be back and to share some of her ideas with bee farmers inthe country.