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No license was issued by National Information and Communication Technology Authority to Starlink to bring telecommunication equipment into the country.

According to statement from Communication Technology Minister Timothy Masiu after NICTA confiscated Starlink’s telecommunication equipment a week ago.

Three European Nationals arrived at the Jackson’s International Airport with Starlink’s telecommunication equipment for launch services were confiscated by NICTA early this month.

Minister for Communication Technology Timothy Masiu said the announcement in January 2024 was based on terms and conditions of the five-year license.

Mr Masiu said, all Starlink terminals that are imported into PNG are deemed illegal and unlicensed upon arrival.

He said, PNG laws apply in PNG and all non-nationals and nationals should uphold the law.

 National Gold Managing Director Lubo Todorov said, these items were declared by the by customs but confiscated by NICTA.

Mr. Todorov said, these terminals and receivers they brought in were declared by customs, following an announcement on January 2024.

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