
Sawmill Initiative For Telefomin District

Cost of service delivery in the Telefomin District is expensive and local member, Solan Mirisim, has come up with initiatives to address this.

For a start, he is purchasing sawmills for the locals to saw timber and build aid posts, classrooms and other building infrastructure themselves.


He launched this project in Telefomin last week Friday.


Mr. Mirisim announced this news to the people of Eliptamin.


He was accompanied by the CEO of Ok Tedi Development Foundation Ian Middleton and other dignitaries who were welcomed the Telefomin way.


He said he will take deliverance of the saw mill later, but warned individuals not to claim ownership over it as it belongs to the community.


With Eliptamin being the first to receive a saw mill, Mirisim said he will give out saw mills to all LLGs in the district to make service delivery easier.


He said the mill had the potential to bring in a lot of income and people should value it.


Other development plans for the electorate include Digicel Towers which will enable schools to access internet and other services using solar power; this was also announced by the OTDF CEO Ian Middleton on the same day.


Mr. Mirisim also announced that from the first 2 million kina of DSIP funds received this year, he has committed 1.5 million to assisting Telefomin students attending tertiary institutions around the country.


He then presented cheques worth K40, 000 for two projects in Eliptamin.

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