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Pictured is Trevor Birney , the new President of Boroko Rotary club. FILE FOOTAGE

By: Lorraine Jimal

The end over ceremony of new president of a non-government organisation will see continuation of major projects and improvement of its governance system.

Members of Rotary Club of Boroko has welcomed their new president while farewelling the outgoing president in Port Moresby recently.

The new president Mr. Trevor Birney thanked the former president for his service in the last 12 months. He said the aim of the organisation is to provide basic services to local communities.

Mr. Trevor Birney acknowledge the outgoing president and highlighting the things that he will do under his leadership.

“We will do water project, school desks medics for injured people and provide wheel chairs to people.” said Birney..

Mr.  Birney is planning to improve the Governance system within the organization as well as continuing their charity work of donating wheel chairs and desks to schools in the Nation’s Capital District and Central Province, among their other projects.

Mr. Birney highlighted his major plans which is to changed the governance structures and registered as a credential trust and a charitable trust to comply with the legal requirements association in Papua New Guinea as well as continue with the existing projects and work on strengthening the Rotary PNG team.

Rotary Club of Boroko started in 1964 and has 1.2 million members across 200 countries worldwide.

Their work impacts the lives of the people in both local and on the international level.

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