
New Pope should be Youth Focused

Many Catholics aroundthe world are expressingtheir views onthe appointment of a new Pope.

The Head Catholic Beushop Conference of Papua New Guineaand Solomon Fther Victor Roche wants to see a pope that is youth focused.

Fther Roche saysthe new Pope must be a person who is concerned withthe universal church.

He says many problems aroundthe world are caused by youths and a young pope that understands youths will help solve many ofthese problems.

Many social ills are caused by youths and having a pope who can addresstheir need will bring about positive change intheir lives.

Beushop Otto Separy saysthe previous pope was keen onthe diocese in Oceania, and hopes his work will be carrlied on bythe new pope.

The issue of Child sex abuse withinthe Catholic Church has marredthe reputation ofthe church.

Beushop William Fey says this miss behavior is unacceptable andthe church has set clear guidelines onthe matter.

This year has been declared by Pope Benedictthe 16th as a special year of faith and Catholics have been urged to uphold that in anticipation for their new pope.

Mickey Kavera, National EMTV News

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