Education Highlands Life News Papua New Guinea Politics Travel


Wau Waria MP Marsh Narewec (middle red shirt) with the young population of the district during a recent electoral visit.

By Mortimer Yangharry

Wau Waria MP Marsh Narewec is concerned about the future and development aspirations of the country emphasizing the need for an educated population.

“I came to realise that our economic and social problems are much worse and deeply rooted,” Narewec said.

The first term MP from Morobe Province highlighted that changing the Prime Minister or the government would bring temporary relief but would never solve the problems. However, the problems would need long-term solutions and not band aid approaches.

“I think it’s best we quickly realise that our solutions are not born yet and lie in the hands of the infants that are still breastfeeding,” MP Narewec said.

He proposed that if the country prioritized quality education for the children, then after 30 or 40 years, PNG could be able to solve some of its economic and social problems.

 “We must ensure our children start their education when they are 4 years old and keep them in school until they become teenagers completing grade 12 with a skillset.” He added.

“This may sound dull but it’s the only way,” Narewec said.

He encouraged the people to be productive by giving 8 hours in a day should be invested into getting a better future for the children.

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