One hundred years of Christianity, remains a history for the Lontis people of Beka Island, in Bougainville.
They recently celebratedthe centenary, markingthe arrival of God’s Word, bythe Catholic Missionaries.
first chapel was built at Tutula, Soena village.
Local Priest Fr Andrew Belly, ledthe thanksgiving Mass, attended by hundreds of parishioners, and also from aroundthe diocese.
The centenary celebration ended with entertainments.
The first Marist missionaries, Fr Peter Meyer and Fr Eugienius Englert, and two ther Samoan Catechist, arrived on August 7 1901. The first Mass was celebrated at Pokpok Island in Central Bougainville.
We are Church alive,in Christoand today lay people are taking ownership ofthe Church, strentheningthe Catholic faith.
Fabian Hakalits, National EMTV News