Education Life News News Bulletin Papua New Guinea Southern


A deteriorating classroom that needs maintenance.

By Esther Gahane

At least five classrooms at the Koki Pre-school are in poor condition.

The Head Teacher Emleen Sion said that, not much infrastructure development has been taking place in the school since its establishment in the early 1960s.

She said that with the high student-to-teacher ratio, it became difficult for teachers to manage the classroom effectively and provide individualized attention.

The pre-school with over 1,500 student population and  15 teachers needed at least K250 to renovate each classroom.

She said that schools are pivotal in shaping the future of students, but they were faced with several challenges that could hinder the educational experience.

Teacher in charge Mr. Baltimo Pana said, “when you look at the building, the four or five building itself, when you look at construction perspective, its almost demolish the roofing for some are not good, when it times for rain we send the kids home and we need to rebuild.”

“The reopening of the grade one classroom today can now create space for students to learn, through this renovation, will now accommodate three classes that will minimize the student- teachers ratio issues.” he said.

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