
Karama’s Hope

The waves along the Gulf of Papua New Guinea have been slowly eating away the shorelines of the village of Karama. Every year, a metre of this village's shoreline disappears due to rising sea levels. The neighbouring village of Toare, has already been relocated six times, leaving its villagers displaced.

Realising the continuing impacts of climate change, the people of Karama decided to stand up and fight back…the environmentally-friendly way. They began planting mangroves, in order to build a natural sea wall. They are now hoping these mangroves will absorb the force of the waves, and leave them what is left of their land  


Karama's Hope is a story about determination, vision and the human will to survive. In the next five to ten years, the villagers of Karama are expected to relocate, but this time, they will have a mangrove sea-wall as a buffer zone against the impending effects of climate change, and to sustain their way of life.

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