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The National Media Development Policy is going through Social, Law and other Sector Heads vetting and clearance process before going to the National Executive Council for endorsement.

Minister for Information and Communication Technology, Timothy Masiu revealed that, this is to strengthen the media industry in the country.

The Minister said, the policy does not intend to jail journalists if there is misreporting.

He said the ICT Department is now continuing consultation process through the relevant state agencies to ensure the policy is in line with the government policy and country’s constitution.

The policy will put into place the self-regulatory process which will determine accountability of the media. This will be discussed further by

Stakeholders, including the media fraternity.

Minister Masiu further emphasized that the refuting claims by the member for Ialibu Pangi, Peter O’Neil that Journalists will be jailed if deemed to be misreporting was a clear campaign to get journalists on his side. 

Minister Masiu urged the people to visit the ICT website to read more on the policy as it does not aim to curb media freedom and freedom of speech.

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