
New Housing Complex to be Built in Bumbu Police Barracks

by Colleen Barilae – EM TV News, Lae

The Australian government is building accommodation for single policemen and women at Lae’s Bumbu Police Barracks.

It comes as the government moves to increase police numbers by recruiting, whilst accommodation continues to remain a challenge.

While the project begins, a group of houses in the same police barracks constructed by the government remains incomplete.

Today a ground-breaking ceremony took place at a piece of land at Lae’s Bumbu police barracks, which will have a new accommodation facility constructed on.

The Australian Government through the AFP today announced it will work alongside RPNGC and Morobe Provincial administration to complete this project.

Australian High Commission Minister, Counsellor Rod Hilton, officiated at the event today.

Police Commissioner, Gari Baki, said he is challenged by this gift given by the Australian government.

He raised concerns on the abuse of police property.

“When we have the opportunity of this kind of assistance, we must take good care of it, whether it’s in Lae city, in a district or in a rural area, we have to be responsible,” said Commissioner Baki.

The project costs K6 million and consists of a double- story single quarters for male and a single level dormitory for 22 female officers.

Red Sea Construction will be engaged in the construction phase of the project.

Morobe Governor, Kelly Naru, questioned the construction of a group of houses at Lae’s Bumbu Barracks that has come to a standstill.

“There is another group of houses that was constructed at the back of this barracks and I believe that is rolled out under the Police Modernisation Program, apparently that has come to a halt,” Governor Naru said.

The construction of the two single quarters will begin.

As it happens, some houses that were constructed for police and their families, by the government three years ago, and at the same police barracks still remains incomplete.

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