In the remote village of Henagaru in Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea (PNG), dreams often feel out of reach due to challenging...
Twenty-four Papua New Guinean Electrical and Instrumentation Technicians from Newmont Lihir’s Fixed Plant Maintenance (FPM) Department are on track to complete their (Australian Qualifications Framework)...
Nasfund has announced the addition of City Pharmacy Limited (CPL) and Crown Hotel to its Employer-to-Employer (E2E) Discount Program to complement the highly successful Membership...
By Samantha Solomon The National Broadcasting Corporation entered a new era yesterday with the launch of its digital TV featuring multiple channels. The first digital...
Police officers have identified a run-down building at Four Mile in Boroko as a hideout for the criminals. Police have confirmed that the old run-down...
Minister for State Enterprises, William Duma, opened a new Joint Implementation Unit (JIU) between the Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific (AIFFP) and PNG...
By James Guken The National Court of Justice has quashed a decision made by the Minister for Treasury, Ian Ling-Stuckey, concerning the allocation of K60...
Kina Securities Limited has announced the appointment of Ivan Vidovich as the Acting Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Kina Securities Ltd. Mr. Vidovich,...
Ruango Community in Talasea District, West New Britain Province now has a standard market to sell their fresh produce and seafood. The ceremony was attended...
Prime Minister James Marape stated that Papua New Guinea will continue to maintain its business relations with China; following talks on Papua New Guinea to...