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By Francisca Anania

Brian Bell Group boasts more than 60 years of operation, and providing one of the best Retail Solutions in PNG.

After losing one of its biggest warehouses’ to looting and fire on Wednesday, Brian Bell Group CEO Mr. Cameron Mackellar finally took the time to speak in an exclusive interview on the unfortunate incident.

Losing one of its biggest warehouses in the country is devastating news for the Brian Bell Group.

CEO Mackellar expressed that Wednesday 10th of January leaves a sad impression for the company and the nation’s capital as the Brian Bell warehouse located at the Gerehu shopping center go up in flames after severe looting and damage.

He explained that his sole focus now is on the workers, and rebuilding an even stronger foundation for Brian Bell.

In such time of sadness for the renowned home center, CEO Mackellar added that he is also overwhelmed by the level of love, support and concern from everyone.

Boasting 66 years and experiencing similar incidents in the past, he assures that Brian Bell will still manage with its other 22 operations in NCD and around the country.

The destroyed Brian Bell Gerehu Warehouse serves as workplace for 143 people in the city.

With the warehouse gone, Brian Bell CEO Cameron Mackellar assures that all workers will still have a job.

The question of how to attend to 143 people whose livelihood were destroyed poses as a major concern for not only the Brian Bell Group, but every other single business house and shop that faced destruction and damage.

Mr. Mackellar stated that all 143 team members affected still have a job and operations in other branches and provincial outlets still continue as usual.

He further revealed that some workers involved in the looting and damaging of property were dealt with immediately and accordingly.

He assured that a new workplace will be organized for the 143 workers to continue their employment with the company.

Meanwhile, the company’s Sir Brian Bell Foundation has also organized a K500 gift voucher for all 143 workers with CPL to assist them during this time and as goodwill to CPL as well.

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