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Buk bilong Pikinini has celebrated 25 readers in the mini professional reader series of When I grow up. (WIGU)

This is a milestone for Buk bilong Pikinini (BbP) and the Sir Brian Bell Foundation being the major sponsor of the series.

Anne-Sophie Hermann, BbP Vice-Chair and Founder said: “We are grateful to the Sir Brian Bell Foundation and Chief Executive Officer Bronwyn Wright for believing in the importance of this series and sponsoring our printing and shipping costs. A great thank you to all our partners for your support to create the WIGU series for the children of PNG.”

She said that for many children, these books provided a valuable opportunity to learn about professions that they might want to be when they grow up.

Hermann said that the WIGU series also incorporated lessons in financial literacy, PNG culture, history, science, design, health awareness, environmental science, agriculture, animal welfare and wildlife conservation, which all contribute to enriching students’ overall knowledge.

Leanne Resson, BbP Executive Officer said: “It is vital for young children to have role

models to aspire to so they can understand the importance of education and see

themselves in professional roles they may otherwise not have thought possible. BbP publishes books with and for PNG’s children.”

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