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Anti-Microbial Resistance a Health Threat in PNG

The Anti-Microbial Resistance is a global issue with evidence of untreatable infections already posing a threat in Papua New Guinea.

Concerns have been raised on medicines sold on the streets which have negative impacts on patients.

The National Health Department has listed the Antimicrobial Resistance as one of its priorities under its action plans to be achieved by 2017.

On September 29, Papua New Guinea hosted the first workshop on antimicrobial resistance.

The workshop will initiate an active dialogue among key stakeholders to address the spread of antimicrobial resistance in the country.

World Health Organisation’s Technical Officer, Doctor Sarah Paulin, said antimicrobial resistance is increasing at an alarming level.

“Multicultural approach is needed to minimise the spread of new resistance related to both human and animal health.” Doctor Paulin adds that political intervention must become a priority.

“The government must intervene to ensure that we address this issue.”

Meanwhile the National Health Department and the World Health Organisation are working closely with development partners to develop multi-sectorial national antimicrobial resistance action plane.

PNG will be the eighth country in the Western pacific to contribute to national, regional and global efforts to contained antimicrobial resistance for treatment options.

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