
Airlines PNG: Madang Report Released

After 32 months of quality thorough investigation, the Airlines PNG Madang plane crash incident report was finally released

The Papua New Guinea Accidents Investigation Commission released the report today, stating International Civil Aviation Organisation accepted procedures were followed.

The force landing in Madang was no exception, with human factors recorded.

It was on October 13, 2011 when this Airlines PNG, Dash Eight aircraft DHC 103, P2 – MCJ, on its routine flight, took off from Port Moresby, to Madang, via Lae.

29 passengers, including three men crew were on board, to Madang. Most passengers were families of the final year Divine Word University students, on their way for the Missioning ceremony.

It was PNG’s worse ever plane disaster in the aviation history with 28 lives lost.

Papua New Guinea Accidents Investigation Commission Commissioner Nemo Yalo, before releasing the detailed report, explained the delay in producing this document.

Commissioner Yalo said the aircraft was dispatched with an unserviceable yaw damper, a system that makes automatic inputs to the aircraft’s rudder.

The reports states specifically that under rules, it was permissible to dispatch Mike Charlie Juliet in this condition, but the autopilot couldn’t be used, leaving the pilots solely responsible for flying the aircraft. This caused difficulties when descending.

The report stated the captain’s action caused the propeller blades angle to change from forward to ‘beta’ or reverse range – the tremendous speed drove the engines turbines, that exceeding the maximum permitted revolutions per minute.

For aviation safety after these incidents, as part of the worldwide mandatory mechanism, all Dash 8 aircraft operating in PNG will have a beta lockout fitted by June 19 2016.

Chief Executive Officer David Inau was questioned by EMTV, why three crew members and a passenger survived the ordeal.   

Australia was thanked for the quick response, assisting to carry out the investigation.

Airlines PNG on a press statement released today acknowledged and welcomed the final report.

The company shares its sympathies to families who lost their loved ones in the tragedy.

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