Featured Highlands News

After 35 Years, Peace Restored Between Pynapasa and K-Manda People

After thirty years of tribal warfare between the people of Pynapasa and K-Manda in the Mul-Baiyer Lumusa Electorate of Western Highlands, peace has now been restored.

Last Saturday, a peace ceremony called the Poma Reconciliation Ceremony was held to symbolise this peaceful transition.

The Baptist Union Church and Mul-Baiyer/Lumusa MP, Koi Trappe, facilitated the peace gathering.

Over 40 pigs were killed to symbolise peace between the tribal groups.

Trappe also gave over K800,000 for a rehabilitation program in that area.

Schools, aid posts and clinics, churches and houses were razed due to the tribal fight.

The money given will be used to build new community infrastructure.

Because of tribal war, the Pynapasa and K-Manda people have no roads, and they use bush tracks.

After the tribal war ended, the first development they saw was road infrastructure.

It has yet to be sealed, and when it rains, it can take up to 8-hours to travel to Mt Hagen City.The fight started in 1981 and ended in 2013.

They often go to war after 10-years, until on Saturday, when they promised not to fight, but embrace changes and developments.

Tribal warfare is a thing of the past, especially in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, where they fight to keep their land and women, and to be superior among others.

After Christianity and Law and Order were introduced in the late 40s and 50s, tribal fights slowly faded.

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