
Ramu Nico Projects

The government has assisted projects that it committed to underthe Ramu Nickel Mining Projects MoA.


Throughthe Mineral Resources Authority, a school,the police force and road users in Madang province have benefited fromthe impact projects.


The projects were accomplished with funds fromthe governments consolidated revenue. The funds are allocated annually to MRA to supply projects committed to bythe state in mining projects MoA’s.

It isthe first time inthe 27 years ofthe life ofthe Rai-Coast High School that its facilities had undergone renovation. The revamp of dormitories, ablution blocks and dining facility were completed and are in use. Classrooms and administration blocks will also be renovated soon.


ther projects committed bythe state and that have been completed, arethe construction of eight police houses at Walium and Usino Police posts and construction of Benu-Danagari and Benu-Beahman roads in Usino.


MRA Acting Managing Director Philip Samar said in developingthese projects,the government was fulfilling its commitment tothe people ofthe project area and Madang province, underthe Ramu Nickel Mining Project MoA.


Mr Samar said MRA would continue to work on ther projects identiflied in various mining projects MoA’s.


The projects are funded underthe government’s initiative of PublicInvestment Projects (PIP) for the mining sector atthe cost of over K3 million.


Member for Usino/Bandi Anton Yagama assisted with K2million to fundthe Benu-Beaham road.

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