The Bek bilong Pikinini library inthe Tatana-Araira community will soon be opened to children andthe community.
As work onthe Swiss funded building nears completion, Bek Belong Pikinini, its partners City Pharmacy Limited and Stop ‘n’ Shop met withthe community again yesterday, to make an official presentation of Sixty-thousand kina to Bek Belong Pikinini.
The funding will assist with teachers’alaries andthe upkeep ofthe library. Stop and Shop, a subsidiary of CPL Group, has taken onthe responsibility of runningthe library administration in Tatana.
CPL Group CEO Mahesh Patel was on hand to presentthe cheque himself to Bek Belong Pikinini founder Ann-Sophie Hermann. This first funding comes from Patel’s fees as board chairman of Telikom.
Recently, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill pledged 250 thousand kina to Bek Belong Pikinini to broadenthe scope of establishing more libraries aroundthe country.
Bek Belong Pikinini has reached many children and adults across five provinces who are now able to read and write.
Tatana Primary School Beard Chairman said havingthe Bek Belong Pikinini library established inthe community is a great opportunity for elementary students’to access all sorts of books that will broadentheir knowledge ofthe world outside.
Most importantly, it will help equip children with reading and writing skills beforethey mover on to formal elementary education.
The Swiss Embassy in Australia will soon havethe building opened tothe children and even adults. The Tatana-Araira community has given assurance thatthe library will be well looked after.