Nothern Governor Gary Juffa has corrected a report which stated that anther investigation was being carrlied out on Popondetta Hospital CEO Dr Ganzi Gawin.
He saidthe report had apparently resulted in violence inthe province where police had to intervene.
The report which ran on Mondaythe 20th of May stated that anther investigation was being conducted intothe management affairs ofthe Popondetta Hospital run by CEO Dr Ganzi Gawin.
Governor Juffa said this was a total misreport ofthe situation. There is no investigation.
Governor Juffa said earlier allegations of mismanagement against Dr Gawin were dismissed following an investigation.
He is now free to perform his duties which he has done exceptionally well and has received great support from staff andthe people.
He added Dr Gawin has not been sidelined or suspended but is only taking a short break.
Governor Juffa said Dr Gawin was a victim of false allegations and he thanked Minister for Health Michael Malabag for being steadfast and neutral in his dealings with regards tothe matter.
He urgedthe media to be more responsible when reporting issues of high significance.