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Health facilities in the Angoram district of East Sepik province are in need of facelift to cater for the growing population. Most of the infrastructures are deteriorating and is a challenge for health workers to serve the people adequately.

This was revealed by the District Health Manager Ms Silvia Uti, during the East Sepik Provincial Health Authority’s visit to Angoram District Health Centre recently.

Ms Uti expressed gratitude for ESPHA’s visit, as it provides them with firsthand information to make impactful decisions at the top level to meet the needs of the District Health Centres and sub health facilities.

“Angoram District is very challenging to work, in terms of geography and population. It is the biggest district in the province.

“I see that most of our health facilities are run by Christian and Catholic Health services and hence, they are not fully equipped to cater for the growing demand for proper health services in the district, but I am sure that with the recent introduction of the Health Service Level Agreement being signed as a Memorandum of agreement (Moa) between ESPHA and partners in Health Service delivery such as Catholic Health and Christian Health Services including the District Development Authorities (DDAs), ESPHA can be in a better position to pump more support into rural Health facilities such as ours,” Ms Uti expressed.

The Angoram District Health Centre is run by the Angoram District Development Authority however, with the transfer of management through the recent introduction of the Health Service Level Agreement, ESPHA can now intervene to assist meaningfully in the rehabilitation of the centre.

ESPHA Board Chairman Pastor Max Manimbi admitted that such visit to health facilities outside the province’s capital, ESPHA team will help them make better decisions in providing support to the health facilities.

According to Ms Uti, there are 11 health facilities in Angoram district, 3 of them is run by the government and the rest are run by the Non-government organizations especially Catholic Health Services and Lutheran Church through Christian Health Services. Out of the 52 Aid posts, only 10 are operating in the remote parts of the district.

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