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Yapu Maintains Security Personnel Will Not Use Force to Transfer Refugees

Manus Police Commander, Chief Inspector David Yapu, maintains that security personnel will not use force to transfer refugees out of the Manus Regional Processing Centre.

Yapu’s comment is a directive from the Police Commissioner and the PNG Defence Force Commander despite refugees refusing to vacant the decommissioned Centre.

Since yesterday (13 November), no refugees have vacated Lombrum. It is the ninth day of the transferal exercise.

Manus Police Commander, David Yapu said as of yesterday, none of the refugees in Lombrum attempted to leave the centre, despite the provision of transportation.

In an interview with all concerned authorities on the ground, the transferal exercise was described as slow transferal.

There are at least 200 refugees still camping at Lombrum.

They said because of security reasons, they are afraid to leave the centre, despite water, electricity and food supplies being cut off.

However, the facilities that they are living in have already been forfeited to the PNG Defence Force.

Thus Commanding Officer of the Lombrum Naval Base is now encouraging the refugees to move out so the Naval Officers can continue their operations.

The centre has also been condemned by the Health Authority.

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