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Works Minister: Opening of Missing Road Links, Government’s Priority

Tucked under rugged ranges between Gulf and Eastern Highlands is Menyamya, one of the least developed districts in the country.

However, this under developed district is rich with fertile soil renowned for producing one of the country’s best organic coffee.

“We produce some the best organic coffee in the country, but we don’t have roads to transport them to nearest markets in Lae or Goroka,” a local said.

Like many isolated rural communities, road access remains a barrier to development and for Menyamya, it has been a barrier for their economic progress and access to basic services.

In the last 5 years the O’Neill-led Government has prioritised the opening of missing road links.

On Tuesday, Works Minister, Michael Nali, told the people of Menyamya that the Government will allocate funding from a K3 billion Asian Development Bank loan in order to open missing links in the district.

“There are many road links in the district, once we open the trans-highway between Gulf and Morobe, Menyamya will be open to the rest of the country as well,” Minister Nali said.

The K3 billion funding from ADB will be put to reconstruct the entire Highlands Highway, Nadzab to Kagamuga Airport in Mt Hagen.

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