Bougainville Islands News

Women Block Road, Against the MOA Signing

Panguna women landowners, which included mothers from the mining affected areas and the women from Central Bougainville Region have demanded the Autonomous Bougainville Government to properly address outstanding issues with the Panguna Mine.

On Wednesday, they blocked the road from the Morgan Junction, preventing the government delegation from continuing to Panguna for the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA).

The MOA was to be signed between the Autonomous Bougainville Government, landowners and the Panguna Mine stakeholders.

And the ABG maintains the MOA sets the pathway for further steps for the Panguna Mine and Bougainvilleans.

However the signing did not proceed because of the roadblock at the Morgan Junction.

The delegation led by President, Chief John Momis then quickly convened to the Special Mining Lease Office and met with former Chairman, Lawrence Daveona, women landowners, hardliners and the Me’ekamui Government of Unity.

The womenfolk want the reopening of the Panguna Mine be after Independence; and are totally against BCL be a developed of the Panguna Mine because of the lack of awareness and consultation with the ABG.

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