
West New Britain Launches Pi-GAS

by Vasinatta Yama – EM TV, Port Moresby

West New Britain Provincial Health Authority recently launched the Papua New Guinea Government Accounting System [Pi-GAS) in Kimbe.

Pi-GAS is a public service, stand-alone system which allows them to print their own cheques in the province.

While the government has introduced a new accounting system, Intergrated Finance Management System (IFMS) to replace Pi-GAS, West New Britain is only now having access to a finance system.

Health Minister, Michael Malabag and West New Britain Governor, Muthuvel Sasindran officially launched the accounting system last Friday.

At hte occasion, Minister Malabag printed a K1 million dummy cheque and presented it to the Provincial Health Authority.

With this system, they now can print their own cheques at a click of a button in the province.

Pi-GAS is one of the roll-outs of the Provincial Health Authority Act 2007.

The Act signifies the transfer of powers relating to rural health from the Department of Health to the Provincial Health Authority.

It is a reform that addresses the problems of poor health indicators that the country is facing.

Western Highlands, Eastern Highlands and Milne Bay have already established the Public Health Authority and are using Pi-GAS.

It was also trialed in East Sepik and Manus, infrastructure shortages remains a challenge.

However, Kimbe Provincial Health Authority’s counterpart has not yet materialised, requiring the support of the National Health Department to ensure the roll-out becomes visible and achievabe.

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