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UAV Drones Posing A Serious Risk for Aircrafts at Jacksons Airport

By Adelaide Sirox Kari – EM TV News, Port Moresby


Modern technology that allows viewers the Birds eye view from high in the sky has become a safety risk for the other big bird in the sky, Aeroplanes.

PNG Accident investigation Commission has requested Civil Aviation Safety Authority and National Airport Cooperation to seek the assistance of police to investigate a UAV Drone being flown in residential area near the airport, high enough to cause a serious accident.

PNG AIC Chief Commissioner Hubert Namani in a letter to CASA and NAC questioned whether the authorities had made any public awareness or warning notice to residents living near the airport.

In the Letters to CASA and NAC, PNG AIC Chief Commissioner request that both authorities investigate the issue and also warning notices within and up to 4miles around Jacksons Airports.

PNGAIC also requested the authority respond to the letter with the appropriate action that was taken.

The issue of drones causing a safety risk is a global issue, BBC recently reported Gatwick airport in the UK had to suspend flights causing delays to 100’s of flight due to a drone being flown near the approach runway.

Now the question of how to regulate drone owners and where they can and cannot fly would be the next step responsible authorities need to look at before the worst happen setting a precedent in Aviation history.

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