ThPNG Electoral Commission has accepted two separate independent reports onthe conduct ofthe 2012 National General Elections.
The reports bythe Commonwealth Observer team and local observers where presented tothe Commission by TransparencyInternational last week.
Beth reports were critical of money politics inthe 2012 national general elections.
They were seen asthe root cause of illegal and improper voter and candidate behaviour and voting irregularities.
Multiple voting, underage voting and community consent voting were among thers.
The reports were also critical oPNGEC’s management ofthe 2012 election, election awareness tothe rural majority, election security and women’s participation.
Electoral Commissioner Andrew Trawen saidthe abuse ofthe election system is trendingthe wrong way and poses a long term threat tPNG’s democracy.
PNGEC will be submitting a five year development plan tothe Department of National Planning for commencement in 2014.
The observer reports will help guidethPNGEC to improverthe management of elections inthe future.
Howeverthe Commission will needthe Government’s support and appropriate long term commitment for change to occur.
Salome VincentoNational EMTV News