Life Tech

Roam-e Flying ‘Selfie’ Drone:The next generation in Drone Technology

by Marie Kauna – EMTV Online, Port Moresby

Image Source:  Next Tech Stock Website 

Do you want to know what the latest addition is in drone technology? Drone technology is not a new concept worldwide although it may be new for Papua New Guinea, and is something many of you might be thinking of owning one day. Well here’s another exciting addition to boosting your interest in actually owing a drone.

The latest is the ‘Roam-e flying selfie drone’. It is a significant flying drone designed for taking selfies while flying. With selfie evolution now widely practiced by everyone, at least a day never goes by without taking a selfie, the future of the proposed flying selfie drone will soon hit the world with its stunning use.

The highly projected future technology features; four flight modes, a dual-axis collapsible blades with a smart facial recognition technology. The four flight modes include: scout, navigation, pilot and selfie. Each of these modes have flight ranges, for the first three, their flight ranges extends up to 25 metres while selfie mode ranges up to 3 metres.

With its dual-axis collapsible blades, the drone is easier to carry around and is compact. Its significant inbuilt facial recognition technology, said to be the world’s first facial recognition technology, enables the drone to keep sight of your face when on selfie mode while on air.

The technology is owned by the IoT or Internet Of Things Groups and was first created in mid-2016. With continuous research and work on completing the invention, its prototype form has been recently showcased at the CES tech expo. The predicted future of the drone is toured to be a multi-billion industry by 2020.

For more on Roam-e flying selfie drone, you can watch here.

Source: BBC News

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