Business News

Puma Energy Downsizes Activities


By Sasha Pei-Silovo – EM TV News, Port Moresby


Fuel customers in Port Moresby may be without petrol for an extended period, with fuel supplier Puma Energy today announcing the downscaling of activities at its Napa Napa facility.

In a statement released this afternoon, the company said it was now moving towards ‘Care and Maintain’ for its refining units, by introducing cost saving measures.

These measures include placing 50 staff on “home leave”, as well as a reduced truck loading service at Napa Napa for an indefinite period.

This downsizing is on the back of the suspension of refinery operations in April over the customs and licensing regime for their refinery.

Puma Energy says today’s measures have been designed to ensure their ability to service the needs of customers remain unaffected, with the Napa Napa terminals kept in operation for the purpose of import of refined product.

However the refinery will continue to supply all of its customers with a full service at the marine wharf and with appropriate alternate arrangements made to ensure continuous truck supply capability.

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