
O’Neil Questioned Again Over Public Service Housing Termination

The issue onthe cancelled Public Service Housing Schemeas again brought up in parliament during question time today.

 Prime Minister Peter O'Neill promised to recoup allthe money invested in this project.

The opposition however thinks therwise and accused Prime Minister O'Neill of hiding something.

The Public Service Housing Schemeontract was executed in August of 2009 with a part payment of K31.5 million made tothe contractor.

The project was later cancelled….howeverthe question has to whther this money will be returned tothe state or not has been coming up in parliament sincethe O’Neill Dion government took office.

Today, member for Kundiawa Gembogl Tobias Kulang askedthe same question but was advised bythe speaker underthe Parliamentary Standing orders not to repeat a question that’s been asked before.

However,the question was framed differently and directed tothe Prime Minister bythe governor for Southern Highlands William Powi.

Prime Minister O’Neillthen assuredthe house andthe people oPNG thatthe money includingthe 200 land titles bought bythe contractor for the housing scheme project will be returned tothe state.

The opposition still questioned whythe deal was cancelled andthe legal implications ifthere was any possibility of recovering this money.

Theytherefore accusedthe Prime Minister Peter O’Neill of covering up a mistake he did whilethe Public Service Minister inthethen Somare government.

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