Staff fromthe Labour andIndustrial Department headquarters in Port Moresby took time off from work to promotethe Labour Day
The event was organised by National Tripartite Consultative Council Secretariatoa statutory division ofthe department.
‘Promoting Fair, Safe, Healthy and Productive Workplace for All’ wasthetheme for the twentieth National Labour Day
A float began at Ela Beach, through Gordens, Beroko and Waigani inthe morning. Under police escort,the traffic got cleared as vehicles decorated with banners, placards and posters passed through.
The police vehicle’s siren tuned inthe public;they were also entertained withthe traditional singsing group, allthe way tothe Sir John Guise stadium.
National Tripartite Consultative Council Secretariat Acting Director Dessie Maino speaking atthe event saidthe department will continue to promotethe fundamental and developmental agenda of service delivery.
Maino also highlightedthPNG Decent Work Policy, to be endorsed soon. This includedthe reforms to protect workers’ rights andthe promotion of business activities atthe provincial level.
The actual date for Labour Dayis June 10.