By Gladys Kila
The Paradise Private Hospital is one of the sponsors of the 57th Medical Symposium which will be held in Port Moresby from the 10-15th of September this year.
Finance Director for Paradise Private Hospital, Janet Sios said, “I acknowledge and thank the Papua New Guinea Medical Society and the Organizing Committee for extending the invitation and giving the opportunity to Paradise Private Hospital to be part of this prestigious event.”
Speaking on behalf the CEO, Janet said, Paradise Private Hospital is greatly honored to recognize the fine achievements and excellent work the PNG Medical Society does in contributing to improving the lives of the people over the last 56 years.
“With the ever-changing health dynamics and increasing demands for better and quality healthcare in a more educated and modern Papua New Guinea, this calls for all of us to re-examine and re-define where we are now and where to go next in addressing the many challenging issues in our current health care systems, especially in the burden of Cancer,” Mrs Sios said.
“This issue is very close to my heart. For many, the impact of being diagnosed with cancer can be devastating and carries a social and economic cost to families and society at large. “
“As an advocate in the fight against cancer over the last decade, the determination to fight this dreaded disease propelled me in 2015 to climb the highest mountain in Papua New Guinea, Mt Wilhelm with a team of doctors and nurses to raise awareness and fund equipment for the early detection of cancer.”
“And at Paradise Private Hospital we continue to invest in the early detection of cancer both in men and women by investing in the right equipment, staff and systems.
“This is the pathway we deliberately have chosen to narrow the gap and save lives. Saving lives means saving important human resources that can live long fulfilling working lives and contribute to our country in various capacities,” she said.
Mrs Sios further elaborated that with collective support and approach from all sectors of the community from the national, sub-national to the rural community can make a difference in combating these dreaded diseases in the coming future.
She also explained that being a fully nationally owned and managed private hospital, Paradise Private Hospital also has its own challenges like many of those faced in many public hospitals in the country.
“Issues such as long delays in obtaining pathology reports on time, un-reliable referral pathways between private and public hospitals of patients for radiotherapy, access to affordable chemotherapy treatment, central data information and connectivity to other interested stakeholders in the fight against cancer remain major challenges for us all.”
“This is the time for decisive actions if we want to beat cancer,” said Mrs Sios.