
Opposition Condemns Police Shooting

By Stanley Ove Jr – EMTV News, Port Moresby

In a media conference after today’s session at parliament, Opposition Leader, Don Polye, said the police shootings violate basic human rights and are unconstitutional.

“The opposition views that it was a wrong act by the police, as not constitutional and breaching human rights,” said Polye.

Opposition member Kerenga Kua said the shooting now questions every Member of Parliament and their capacity as leaders elected by the people.

“If some students have been shot and injured what more price will this nation ask to pay before somebody surrenders their political power. What importance is political power compared to over 10,000 lives of our students?” Kua asked.

Meanwhile, the opposition has questioned why parliament was adjourned until August 2.

They are saying the adjournment is suspicious as the government is avoiding the current issues at hand.

“They are running away from the Vote of No Confidence and the student unrest by pushing parliament to the 2nd of August,” said Deputy Opposition Leader, Sam Basil.

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