
OO’Neill Opens children’s Outpatient

The Port Moresby General Hospital’s Children’s Outpatient was opened today by Prime Minister Peter O’Neill.


The outpatient has been moverd tothe wherethe accident and emergency unit had been.


Complete refurbishment ofthe ward will be complete in May.

The Prime Minister was greeted upon arrival by Health Minister Michael Malabag, Sport Minister Justin Tkatchenko and staff ofthe Children’s Outpatient.


Mr O’Neill was escorted intothe ward where he conversed with parents and of patients.


Health Minister Mr Malabagsaidthe ward will undergothe second stage of refurbishment next week. 400 thousand kina fromthe hospital’s 50 million budget was allocated to this project.


The Children’s Outpatient sees more than 200 children each day, and about a thousand each month.


Sister in charge ofthe ward Sr Lonny Ben is pleased withthe ward work. She also saidthey need more beds and medical supplies.


The children’s ward only opens from 7:45 am to 4pm inthe afternoon. Sister Ben saidthey need more staff sothey can operate 24 hours. The Prime Minister reiterated her concerns saying staff welfare is vital tothe government.


Followingthe official cutting ofthe red ribbon, Mr O’Neill was taken on a tour aroundthe ward.


The refurbished part ofthe ward consists of four medical examination rooms, a treatment room, nurses’ offices and patients’ waiting lobby.

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