News News Bulletin Southern

Water Supply Connected to 2 Mile Hill Settlement

Over 2,000 residents of 2 mile hill settlement now have permanent water supply.

Community leaders in this settlement have been working hard with Eda Ranu over the last 6 months to get this water project up and running.

It’s been a real struggle for the people here to get water but that changed yesterday (02/10/20)..

This project is was made possible through the COVID-19 component of Moresby South DSIP funding, costing K124, 000 and was installed and commissioned by water service provider, Eda Ranu.

Moresby South MP, Justin Tkatchenko said, “Four sections of this community have now had MOU’s signed by the different communities, so the water can flow.”

These water taps will have their individual water meters installed to ensure legal and convenient access to the rest of the community.

With the threats of the global pandemic, the need for individuals to have access to clean water is crucial.

Community Organizer, Peter Pikes expressed his gratitude and said, “We face problems when it comes to water and people make fun of us. For 6-7 months we struggled to find water.”

Tkatchenko said, “People need water, no matter where they live. Don’t brand our people because they live in settlements.”

Other communal taps will be placed at designated areas in the community, in the coming months.

This water project is part of a broader Moresby South strategy to ensure that all parts of the electorate have access to clean water.

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