
News Bytes for 5th August, 2014

“… HV LANDOWNERS FRUSTRATED” – Bethanie Harriman


MMJV has responded late this afternoon again, saying they have supported landowner businesses through the established landowner umbrella company, NKW Holdings as per the MOA. The MOA is not expired; it is a living document which is currently being reviewed.


As leader of the NAKUWI Association and the key party to the MOA review, Mr Mauri has the power to pursue the MOA review in court on behalf of the landowner groups.





Trukai Industries, through their brand Jasmine Rice, donated sporting equipment to Amapyaka International School in Wabag.

Providing quality education and maintaining a reputation of academic excellence and achievement, the sporting kit will support and enhance the 600 students of Amapyaka’s Sport programs to develop local talent and promote healthy living.


Trukai Industries is a strong believer of building a healthy nation through their brand and have made similar presentations to Bavaroko Primary and Ward Strip Primary School in Port Moresby. Trukai is also the leading sponsor and supporter of our weightlifters.



“DARU BASKETBALL” – Jack Lapauve Jnr


With the 6th PNG Games around the corner, provincial teams outside Port Moresby are tightening preparations in selecting players for sporting codes.


With that said, the Daru Urban Basketball Association is gearing up for the Provincial Games tourney this weekend. This will see teams from South Fly, North Fly and Middle Fly compete in the men and women’s divisions for the final selection for Team Daru.


Team Daru Head Coach Baxter Travertz says this year’s provincial games will be tough and aggressive and selection will be on high performance, skills and commitment.



“SAVE THE CHILDREN” – Fabian Hakalits


The Mount Hagen Catholic Archdiocese is fast moving towards the setting up of a family home for neglected children.


The planning meeting, led by Archbishop Douglas Young and attended by experienced people active in social work, family life ministry and health services, created few guidelines to respond to the deteriorating situation.


The meeting discussed five main elements of social change believed to be responsible for the current abandonment of children: parents contracting or dying of HIV and Aids, marriage break ups, urban drift, unemployment and intercultural marriages.


Society’s rejection of orphans is quite alarming. Archbishop Douglas strongly stressed the importance of working together with government and non-government organisations that promote child rights and welfare.



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